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Sasha, 47
Boston, MA, USA
visited 16 hours ago


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Looking for: a man 48 - 58 years old in New England, ND, USA
Dating purpose: friendship, love, marriage, meet up

Dating in other languages

Languages:  English, Hebrew, Russian
Looking for dating in other languages:  Russian, English, Hebrew, Turkish

Profile verification

    Photos checked
    Phone number verified

Personal information

Marital status: divorced
Children: 2
Ethnic type: caucasian
Country of birth: Lithuania
Education: Higher
Specialization: technical fields
Accommodation: in private house


Height: 5' 4" (165 cm)
I look: good
Eyes color: brown
Hair length: middle
Hair type: curly
Hair color: reddish
Body: tattoos

Country and religion

Religion: Judaism
Attitude to religion: agnostic
Military service: noncombat unit


Smoking: no
Alcohol attitude: sometimes
Type of food: standard

Character and hobbies

Interests: theatre, animals, art, travelling, sea / pool
Personal qualities: responsible, like to laugh, introvert, energetic, sensitive, witty, spontaneous, romantic

Additional information

Pet: dog
Webcam: yes, I have
Car driving license: have
Personal transport: car

Profile address:
user number: 12706229
photo of 4
Sasha, 47
Boston, MA, USA
I am seeking a man 48-58 years
visited 16 hours ago