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Looking for: a man 55 - 65 years old in Texas, USA
Dating purpose: friendship, love, meet up

Dating in other languages

Languages:  English, Russian
Looking for dating in other languages:  Russian, English

Profile verification

    Photos checked
    Email is confirmed
    Phone number verified

Character and hobbies

Favourite music: blues, jazz
Interests: politics and news, computers / internet, tv / video, movies, theatre, animals, shopping, cafes / restaurants
Personal qualities: self-confident, sociable, charismatic, witty, ambitious, optimistic

Additional information

Pet: dog
Car driving license: have
Personal transport: car

Also commonly looking for:

Profile address:
user number: 3325032
photo of 6
Faina, 66
Dallas, TX, USA
I am seeking a man 55-65 years